The Welsh History Review
Print ISSN: 0043-2431 Online ISSN: 0083-792X
About the Journal
Published by the University of Wales Press since its inception in 1960, The Welsh History Review has established itself as the most authoritative journal in its field. This twice-yearly journal is committed to publishing a wide variety of scholarly research on Welsh history, from medieval to modern. The internationally renowned editorial board includes scholars from universities in Wales, England and the United States, whose breadth of knowledge is representative of the journal and its content, which is typically a diverse range of cultural, social, political and economic history.
- Institutions
- Print only £69.50
- Online only £69.50
- Combined £128
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- Print only £36.50
- Online only £36.50
- Combined £60.50
Current Issue Contents
- Editorial Note
- Chronicling Gruffudd Ap Llywelyn in the Eleventh Century.
by Rebecca Thomas - What Time Is It? Whose Time Is It? Greenwich Time, Local Time and the Quest For ‘Punctuality’ in Wales in the Late Nineteenth Century.
byRobert Baker - This Fashionable Complaint? The Russian ′Flu Pandemic in Wales, 1889–1890.
by Craig Owen Jones - The Anti-Jewish Riots of 1911.
by Robin Douglas - Personal Souvenirs and the Temporary Allure of First World War Public Trophies in Pembrokeshire.
by Simon Hancock - Obituary: Robin Frederick Chantler Okey (1942–2023).
by R. J. W. Evans
- Edwards, Life in Early Medieval Wales: by T. M. Charles-Edwards
- Parsons, Welsh and English in Medieval Oswestry: by Helen Fulton
- Jarrett, Gentility in Early Modern Wales: by Dewi Alter
- Badder and Norman, The Folklore of Wales: by Adam Coward
- Rees (ed.), The Letters of Thomas Herbert Cooke: by Thomas Lloyd
- Jenkins, O’Leary and Ward (eds), Gender in Modern Welsh History: by Mary Thorley
- Coombe, Broth Again for Dinner: by Lowri Ann Rees
- Deakin, Wales in World War 2: by Gethin Matthews
- Wiliam, Man, Myth and Museum: by Jamie Davies
- Blaxland, The Conservative Party in Wales: by Marc Collinson
- Thomas, Tryweryn: A New Dawn?: by Mari Wiliam
- Phipps, Brutal Wales / Cymru Friwtalaidd: by Jamie Davies
Articles relating to the history of Wales, published mainly in 2023:
- Welsh history before 1660: by Roger Turvey
- Welsh history after 1660: by Alpha Evans
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Professor Huw Pryce, Bangor University
Professor Louise Miskell, Swansea University
Editorial Board
Matthew Cragoe, University of Lincoln
Fiona Edmonds, Lancaster University
John S. Ellis, University of Michigan-Flint
R.J.W. Evans, Oriel College, Oxford
Ralph A. Griffiths, Swansea University
Karen Jankulak, Felinfach, Lampeter
Angela V. John, Swansea University
Aled Gruffydd Jones, Aberystwyth
Bill Jones, Cardiff University
Marion Loeffler, Cardiff University
Angela Muir, Leicester University
Kenneth O. Morgan, The Queen’s College, Oxford
Paul O’Leary, Aberystwyth University
Robin Chapman Stacey, University of Washington, Seattle
Gareth Williams, University of South Wales
Authors of articles should submit an electronic version (preferably as an e-mail attachment). Articles should be no longer than 10,000 words and follow the guidelines on style set out in the Notes for Contributors (printed at the back of WHR 26 (4), and also available from the Editors).
Proposed contributions on Welsh history pre-1700 should be sent to Professor Huw Pryce, email:
Proposed contributions on Welsh history post-1700 should be sent to Professor Louise Miskell, email:
Please send electronic and hard copies of reviews to Dr Shaun Evans, Director of the Institute for the Study of Welsh Estates (ISWE), Bangor University, Bangor, Gwynedd, LL57 2DG. Email:
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