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Please note: if you wish to reproduce images, photographs or maps, it is unlikely that the author of the book will hold the copyright. In such cases, UWP would have sought permission to reproduce the same from the copyright holder/artistic estate/museum, which means that any requests for re-use will have to be directed to the copyright holder/artist’s estate/museum, and not to UWP.


Reproducing University of Wales Press content

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Translation Rights

If you are interested in translation rights for any of our titles, visit our page on Frankfurt Rights for a list of our available titles.



In June 2014, some amendments to copyright exceptions in UK legislation contained the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 came into force.

The law changed to ensure that people are able to quote from the works of others, as long as it is reasonable and fair (‘fairdealing’). This may be relevant to researchers wishing to quote elements of copyright works to support an argument or illustrate a point.

This will mean that the use of material will be permitted for the purpose of quotation, and that the quoted material does not exceed a ‘fair extent’ (i.e. a reasonable word extent, that will not replace a commercial sale). This will permit short quotations which are necessary and relevant in an academic paper or chapter, but would not permit a long extract to be reproduced.

What constitutes fairdealing will be a matter of fact, degree and impression in each individual case – note there is no statutory definition of fairdealing. The question is how would a fair-minded and honest person have dealt with the work.

Many publishers include on their website permissions pages information about what they consider as fairdealing, so these must be checked. Please also note that many commercially successful authors and poets often have publishers in the UK and also in the USA, which may be different – if this is the case, permission where necessary must be secured from both publishers, for world rights in English, for print and electronic books.

If you are unsure whether your intended use falls under fair dealing, please contact the Commissioning Department.
