A Bibliography of Welsh Literature in English Translation
Editor(s) S. Rhian Reynolds
Language: English
Genre(s): Welsh Interest, Reference
- June 2005 · 320 pages ·216x138mm
- · Hardback - 9780708318829
This is the first comprehensive bibliography of Welsh-English literary translation, complementing the online BWLET.net database (live since October 2002) as part of the AHRB-funded project. The earliest translations date from the 17th century and sources for translations vary from anthologies, manuscripts, journals, to audiovisual and internet translations. The information is presented by literary period, with each author appearing alphabetically. Each chapter begins with a short introduction to the literature of the age and to the translations produced, marked with the translator's own literary, cultural, political, gendered and historical concerns. BWLET offers an insight into the energy of Welsh language culture. It maps the cultural exchanges that have shaped it over the centuries and invites new readings of recent cultural relations between the Welsh-speaking Welsh and the majority English language population as well as the Anglophone reading public worldwide.
'...a long-awaited reference work of cardinal importance... S. Rhian Williams merits respect and gratitude for a splendid achievement that will facilitate and promote greater understanding and enjoyment of Welsh-language literature... Essential stock for all libraries throughout the British Isles, and for everyone anywhere with any affiliation with or interest in Welsh culture, Cymru and Cymry'. Reference Reviews