Artefacts and Archaeology
Aspects of the Celtic and Roman World
Editor(s) Miranda Aldhouse-Green,Peter Webster
Language: English
Genre(s): Archaeology, Welsh Interest
- July 2002 · 256 pages ·246x189mm
- · Hardback - 9780708317525
Archaeologists excavate structures and objects, but they can and should aim to reconstruct the societies of the past and seek to understand them. Artefacts and Archaeology brings together essays written by leading scholars in the fields of Iron Age and Roman archaeology and material finds in Britain in order to examine the ways in which the study of sites, artefacts and ancient societies are interdependent. Artefacts and Archaeology deals with the wide range of objects produced by the Iron Age and Roman cultures, from ironwork, defences and the Roman army and Roman finds. It emphasises the role of the archaeologist as interpreter of people, not things, and shows how object studies can move beyond pure description and instead attempt to communicate with the past. Individual essays discuss Iron Age and Romano-British religion, the Roman army in Wales, Roman bronze, pottery and glass objects, the Roman economy and museum objects, and the collection as a whole offers a fascinating overview of the material culture of Iron Age and Roman western Europe.
'...a most delightful and well-edited tribute.' (Archaeologia Cambrensis, Vol 150)
Introduction: 'Archaeology is About People'. Miranda Aldhouse-Green and Peter Webster; Any Old Iron! Symbolism and Ironworking in Iron Age Europe; Miranda Aldhouse-Green; Old Castle Down Revisited: Some Recent Finds from the Vale of Glamorgan; Philip Macdonald and Mary Davis; Evidence for an Armamentarium at Caerleon?: The Prysg Field Rampart Buildings; Evan Chapman; Land Use and Military Supply in the Highland Zone of Roman Britain; Jeffrey L. Davies; The Late Roman Fort at Cardiff; Peter Webster; Manning the Defences: The Development of Romano-British Urban Boundaries; Peter Guest; Vitreous Technology: Evidence for Faience Production at Kom Helul, Memphis (Egypt); Paul T. Nicholson; Roman Window Glass; Denise Allen; Two Vessels from Llandovery, Carmarthenshire and Piercebridge, County Durham: A Note on Flavian; and later Polychrome Mosaic Glass in Britain; Jennifer Price; Bottles for Bacchus?; H.E.M Cool; 'Venus' and the Ox: A Roman Visual Pun; Ralph Jackson; In Aere Suo Censeri: Fragments of a Large Scale Statuette from South East Wales; Janet Webster; Zoomorphic Seal Boxes: Usk and the Twentieth Legion; Richard Brewer; A Rhineland Potter at the Legionary Fortress of York; Vivien G. Swan and Ray M. McBride; Pots and Plots in Roman Britain; Kevin Greene; Centralisation or Dispersal? Archaeological Collections in Museums, Catherine Johns