At the Border
Margins and Peripheries in Modern France
Editor(s) Henrice Altink,Sharif Gemie
Language: English
Genre(s): Literary Criticism, Modern Languages
Series: French and Francophone Studies
- December 2007 · 192 pages ·216x128mm
- · Hardback - 9780708320761
Through a discussion of border identities, this book presents a balance-sheet of key developments in modern French society and culture in the context of globalization. It seeks to re-define and re-consider the notion of the border in respect of the identification of a variety of visible and invisible 'border' situations.
Author(s): Henrice Altink
Dr. Henrice Altink is Lecturer in History at the University of York.Author(s): Sharif Gemie
Sharif Gemie is Professor of Modern and Contemporary History at the University of South Wales, and External Examiner for History at the University of Lancaster.