The Concise History
Welsh Interest, History
Wales: Concise Histories
October 2007 ·
192 pages
Paperback - 9780708321119
Examines this most distinctive of Welsh counties. The author discusses the landscape, people, customs and significant centres of religious worship in their historical context from the dark ages to the recent past. He also discusses Cardiganshire's past - emigration due to poverty, geographical differences between parts of the county, and sport.
'Mike Benbough-Jackson's Cardiganshire volume is in a different league. If other volumes in the series match the quality of this one, then we will be in possession of a wonderful total history of Wales illuminated from its local roots for the first time. We are in no doubt at the end of this volume that we have read the work of a European historian of great promise. It is a measure of the distance that Welsh history has traveled in a generation. This is an inspired series whose time has come. Mike Benbough-Jackson is well served by the University of Wales Press, the book displaying the high editorial standards that we come to expect from this publisher, a national treasure as much as a national institution.'David Barnes, Planet 190
Mike Benbough-Jackson
Mike Benbough-Jackson is a Senior Lecturer in History at Liverpool John Moores University. He is the author of a number of articles on the cultural and social history of Wales and the Welsh.
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