Cardiganshire County History

Cardiganshire in Modern Times v. 3

Editor(s) Geraint H. Jenkins,Ieuan Gwynedd Jones

Language: English

Genre(s): Welsh Interest

Series: The Cardiganshire County History

  • November 1998 · 600 pages ·276x219mm

  • · Hardback - 9780708314890

The third volume in the CARDIGANSHIRE COUNTY HISTORY series which has been prepared by the Cardiganshire Antiquarian Society. It traces the main developments in the social history of the county from the eighteenth century to the present day, including agriculture, lead mining, shipping, tourism, the Welsh language, music and popular culture.

'...a handsomely produced volume...valuable and digestible information on practically every facet of the country's expert picture of old Cardiganshire.' English Historical Review.

1. The Population of Cardiganshire, J.W. Aitchison and Harold Carter; 2. Agriculture and Land Occupation in Cardiganshire, R.J. Moore-Colyer; 3. The Landed Gentry of Cardiganshire, R.J. Moore-Colyer; 4. The Structure of Rural Society in North Cardiganshire, 1800-1850, Anne Kelly Knowles; 5. Land and Community at the turn of the Nineteenth Century, David Jenkins; 6. Cardiganshire Agriculture in the Twentieth Century : An Economic Perspective, D.I. Bateman; 7. Rural Industries in Cardiganshire, J. Geraint Jenkins; 8. Lead Mining in Cardiganshire, W.J. Lewis; 9. Shipping and Shipbuilding, David Jenkins; 10. Commercial Relations, Moelwyn I. Williams; 11. The Towns of Cardiganshire, 1800-1995, Roy Lewis and Sandra Wheatley; 12. The Architecture of the County I. The Domestic Architecture, Peter Smith; 13. The Secular Urban Architecture in Context, Peter White; 14. Tourism in Cardiganshire, 1784-1974, R.F. Walker; 15. Poor Law Administration in Cardiganshire, 1750-1948, Alun Eurig Davies; 16. Parliamentary Representation : From the Glorious Revolution to the French Revolution, 1688-1789, P.D.G. Thomas; 17. Parliamentary Representation : From the French Revolution to the Passage of the Reform Bill, 1790-1832, Margaret M. Escott; 18. Parliamentary Representation : From the First to the Third Reform Acts, 1832-1885, Roland G. Thorne; 19. Cardiganshire Politics, 1885-1974, J. Graham Jones; 20. The Cardiganshire County Council, 1889-1974, J. Graham Jones; 21. The Established Church and Dissent in Eighteenth-Century Cardiganshire, Geraint H. Jenkins; 22. Religion in Cardiganshire, 1811-1914, Ieuan Gwynedd Jones; 23. Appendix: Nonconformist Chapels and Sunday Schools; Education in Cardiganshire, 1700-1974, W. Gareth Evans; 24. The Welsh Language in Cardiganshire, 1891-1991, J.W. Aitchison and Harold Carter;; 25. The Cardiganshire Book-Trade to 1900, Eiluned Rees; Music and Popular Culture, Rhidian Griffiths; 26. Cultural Institutions in Cardiganshire, Gwyn Jenkins; 27. Epilogue, J. Kendal Harris.

Author(s): Geraint H. Jenkins

Professor Geraint H Jenkins, Professor Emeritus, University of Wales, and Honorary Senior Research Fellow, University of Wales Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies.

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Author(s): Ieuan Gwynedd Jones

Ieuan Gwynedd Jones is a Welsh historian.

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