Consuming Narratives

Gender and Monstrous Appetites in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance

Editor(s) Liz McAvoy,Teresa Walters

Language: English

Genre(s): Literary Criticism, Gender Studies, Medieval

  • July 2002 · 192 pages ·220x138mm

  • · Hardback - 9780708317433

'Consuming Narratives' is a collection of essays dealing with the relevance of the concept and metaphor of appetite for understanding writing, politics, race, nation and gender in the medieval and modern periods.

I Sexual/Textual Consumption: Response to papers by Nicholas Watson (Professor of English and American Literature, Harvard University) I Diane Watt (Senior Lecturer in English, University of Wales, Aberystwyth): 'Consuming Passions: Gender and Sexuality in Book VIII of John Gower's Confessio Amantis' II Isabel Davis (University of York) 'Consuming the Body of the Working Man in the Later Middle Ages' III Kimberly Anne Coles (Linacre College, Oxford): 'Reproductive Rites: Anne Askew and the Female Body as Witness in the Acts and Monuments' IV Teresa Walters (UWA): '"Such stowage as these trinkets": Trading and Tasting Women in Fletcher and Massinger's The Sea Voyage (1622) V Claire Jowitt (Lecturer in English, University of Wales, Aberystwyth): '"Antipodean Tricks": Travel, Gender and Monstrousness in Richard Brome's The Antipodes' II Monstrous Bodies: Response to papers by Margo Hendricks (Associate Professor of Literature, University of California at Santa Cruz) I Emma L. E Rees (Lecturer in English, Chester University College of Higher Education): 'Sheela's Voracity and Victorian Veracity' II Bettina Bildhauer (Pembroke College, Cambridge): 'Bloodsuckers: The Construction of Female Sexuality in Medieval Science and Fiction' III Liz Herbert McAvoy (Lecturer in English, University of Wales, Aberystwyth): '"Ant nes he him seolf reclus i maries wombe?": The Anchorhold and the Redemption of the Monstrous Female Body' IV Marion Hollings (Associate Professor of English, Tennessee State University): 'Fountains and Strange Women in the Bower of Bliss: Eastern Contexts for Acrasia and her Community' V Margaret Healy (Lecturer in English, University of Sussex): 'Monstrous Tyrannical Appetites: ''& what wonderful monsters have there now lately ben borne in Englande?"' III Consuming Genders, Races, Nations: Response to papers by Andrew Hadfield I Ruth Evans (Senior Lecturer in English, Cardiff University): 'The Monstrous Appetites of Albina and her sisters' II Sue Niebrzydowski (teaches at the Universities of Warwick and Wolverhampton): 'Monstrous (M)othering: The Representation of the Sowdanesse in Chaucer's Man of Law's Tale' III Kirstie Gulick Rosenfield (assistant Professor of English, Utah State University): 'Monstrous Generation: Witchcraft and Generation in Othello' IV Sujata Iyengar (Assistant Professor of English, University of Georgia, Athens): 'An Ethiopian History: Reading Race and Skin-Colour in Early Modern Versions of Heliodorus' Aithiopika'

Author(s): Liz McAvoy

Liz Herbert McAvoy is Lecturer in Gender in English Studies at Swansea University.

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Author(s): Teresa Walters

Teresa Walters is an academic who completed her Ph.D at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth.

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