Crefydd, Cenedlgarwch a’r Wladwriaeth

John Penry (1563-1593) a Phiwiritaniaeth Gynnar

Author(s) John Gwynfor Jones

Language: Welsh

  • July 2014 · 353 pages ·216x138mm

  • · Paperback - 9781783161317
  • · eBook - pdf - 9781783161324
  • · eBook - epub - 9781783162208

About The Book

A volume about John Penry and his contribution to the growth of Puritanism in England in the Sixteenth Century.

About the Author(s)

Author(s): John Gwynfor Jones

John Gwynfor Jones is a professional historian and a prolific writer in both Welsh and English on sixteenth- and seventeenth-century in religion, society and culture.

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