Crimes Against Humanity
The Limits of Universal Jurisdiction in the Global South
Author(s) Nergis Canefe
Language: English
Genre(s): Social Policy and Law
Series: International Law
- April 2021 · 336 pages ·216x138mm
- · Hardback - 9781786837028
- · eBook - pdf - 9781786837035
- · eBook - epub - 9781786837042
This volume considers how, based on the examination of cases pertaining to transitional justice settings that resort to local interpretations of crimes against humanity jurisprudence, fragmentation of international law and circumscribed applications of universal jurisdiction are necessary aspects of the grand enterprise to overcome the impasse of the tainted legacy of international criminal law in the Global South. If we are to proceed with adjudication of the most egregious and heinous crimes involving state criminality without facing the charge of neo-colonialist plotting, then we must reckon with localised and domesticated interpretations of international criminal law, rather than pursuing strict forms of legislative dictation of international criminal law.
Frontispiece: Tree of Life, by the author
Chapter I. Topographies of Universal Jurisdiction in International Law, Legal Pluralism and the Curious Case of the International Criminal Court
Chapter II: Universal Jurisdiction and Genealogies of International Criminal Law
Chapter III. Crimes Against Humanity Jurisprudence in International Law and The Conundrum of Jurisdictional Certainty
Chapter IV. Mea culpa, Sua culpa, Tua Maxima Culpa: Collective Responsibility, Societal WrongDoing and Legal Judgment
Chapter V. Through the Looking Glass: Hybrid Courts and International Criminal Law in the Global Sout
In Lieu of Conclusion: Deliverance of Justice in International Criminal Law and the Role of Political Judgment as Purposive Action