Editing Women
Editor(s) Anne M. Hutchinson
Language: English
Genre(s): Literary Criticism
- October 1998 · 136 pages ·216x135mm
- · Paperback - 9780708314593
Walking the tightrope with Anne Wilkinson, Joan Coldwell (McMaster University, USA); 'not a novel they said' editing Virginia Woolf's "Three Guineas", Naomi Black, York University); editing Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, Isobel Grundy (Research Institute in Women's Writing, University of Alberta, USA); editorial conundra in the texts of Katherine Philips, Germaine Greer, Newnham College, Cambridge University); Julian of Norwich and self-textualization, Felicity Riddy (Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York); editing women - response, Margaret Anne Doody (Comparative Literature Program, Vanderbilt University USA)
Author(s): Anne M. Hutchinson