Language Revitalization

Policy and Planning

Author(s) Colin H. Williams

Language: English

Genre(s): Welsh Interest

  • December 2000 · 192 pages ·216x138mm

  • · Hardback - 9780708316672

About The Book

Language revitalization is a challenging issue within contemporary Wales and a fascinating topic for inter-disciplinary analysis worldwide. This volume of essays assesses the current state of language policy and planning in Wales. It traces the historical development of the Welsh language struggle before turning to an analysis of the data sources which inform current policy decisions. The distinguished contributors then offer a range of critical perspectives on the operation of bilingual educational policies ranging from nursery education to adult education. Special attention is paid to community development efforts as well as to comparable language revitalization efforts in Ireland, the Basque country and Catalonia. The volume concludes with an assessment of current economic and political programmes which offer an unprecedented opportunity to incorporate the Welsh language within mainstream social thought and action. The scope and richness of this collection will make it a key reference for anyone interested in the phenomenon of language revival and language planning, Welsh society and history, public policy on language in society and bilingualism.


' ... an excellent, state-of-the-art volume by top specialists ... an excellent presentation of the current language issues in Wales, this collection of articles is useful reading for anyone interested in language planning issues in general, and it offers abundant fodder for revitalization programs in search of inspiration and practical ideas'. (Language in Society) 'Language Revitalization moves several steps beyond the political rhetoric in its imaginative and sensitive approaches towards the challenges of Welsh language policy and planning.' Regional and Federal Studies


Introduction to language revitalization; the statistical basis for Welsh language planning; language revitalization - the role of the Welsh Language Board; Welsh language education - a strategy for revitalization; the development of Welsmedium education in Cardiff; planning for the use of Welsh by young people; adult education - language revival and language planning; community empowerment through language planning intervention; the development of Mentrau Iaith; declining density - a danger for the language?; language planning in Western European perspective - Ireland, The Basque Country and Catalonia; conclusion.

About the Author(s)

Author(s): Colin H. Williams

Colin Williams is a Research Professor and Director of the Language, Policy and Planning Research Unit at the School of Welsh, Cardiff University.

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