Our Daughters' Land
Past and Present
Editor(s) Sandra Betts
Language: English
Genre(s): Gender Studies
- March 1996 · 288 pages ·216x138mm
- · Paperback - 9780708313350
Focusing on the gendered nature of childhood and adolescence, this book investigates social relations from the standpoint of the experience of children and adolescents, with the aim of contributing to developing understanding of the structures of gender and generation. The articles highlight the fact that girls and boys experience different social realities and that these experiences are structured by gender divisions in society.
Introduction: Gender and generation - Sandra Betts. Part 1 The historical gendering of childhood and adolescence: Gender, work and socialisation in Wales c. 1450-c. 1850, Michael Roberts; The construction of genteel sensibilities - the socialisation of daughters of the gentry in seventeenth and eighteenth century Wales, Simone Clarke; The gendering of the elementary and secondary school curriculum in Victorian and early twentieth century Wales, W. Gareth Evans; Opportunity denied - the voices of the lost Grammar school girls of the inter-war years, Graham Goode and Sara Delamont. Part 2 Gender and education in contemporary Wales: the culture and aspirations of Welsh secondary school pupils - a comparison between the sexes, Richard Starup and Benjamin M. Dressel; Sex, lies and the P.S.E. curriculum, Lesley Pugsley; Take our daughters to work - a positive action for some school girls in Wales, Jane Salisbury. Part 3 Gender and socialization - The development of identity: Hey Wizardora, give us a kiss! - assertion training for the playground, Patricia Daniel; The boys have taken over the playground, Margaret Sutton, Susan Hutson and Jacqueline Thomas; Marriage, family and career aspirations of adolescent girls, Dr Hilary Lloyd Ball.
Author(s): Sandra Betts