Place-Names of Flintshire

Author(s) Hywel Owen,Ken Lloyd Gruffydd

Language: English

Genre(s): Welsh and Celtic Studies

  • July 2017 · 272 pages ·234x156mm

  • · Hardback - 9781786831101
  • · eBook - pdf - 9781786831118
  • · eBook - epub - 9781786831125

About The Book

This is the first thorough, authoritative study of the place-names of the entire pre-1974 Flintshire, scholarly in substance, readable in presentation, with its selection of names based on the OS Landranger 1:50,000 map. The entry for each of the 800 names presents a grid reference, documentary and oral evidence with dates, derivation and meaning, and a discussion of the significance of the name in terms of history, language, landscape and industrial associations. Additionally, comparisons are drawn with similar names in other parts of Wales and the UK, and the later linguistic development of names is charted in light of the particular influences of a bilingual society.


Place-Names of Flintshire
Glossary of Elements
Index of related names
Sources and Abbreviations
Select Bibliography
Relevant on-line data-bases

About the Author(s)

Author(s): Hywel Owen

Emeritus Professor Hywel Wyn Owen is an acknowledged authority on place-names in Wales, and was formerly director of the Place-Name Research Centre at Bangor University. He is a founder member of the Welsh Place-Name Society, Honorary Vice-President of the English Place-Name Society, and former president of the Society for Name Studies in Britain and Ireland.

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Author(s): Ken Lloyd Gruffydd

Ken Lloyd Gruffydd was one of the most highly regarded figures in local history in Flintshire and in Wales. A former deputy headteacher, he was a regular contributor to learned publications, and editor of several local history journals.

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