Poetry, Geography, Gender

Women Rewriting Contemporary Wales

Author(s) Alice Entwistle

Language: English

Genre(s): Literary Criticism, Gender Studies, Welsh Interest

Series: Gender Studies in Wales

  • September 2013 · 272 pages ·216x138mm

  • · Paperback - 9780708326695
  • · eBook - pdf - 9780708326701
  • · eBook - epub - 9781783165810

Poetry, Geography, Gender examines how questions of place, identity and creative practice intersect in the work of some of Wales' best known contemporary poets, including Gillian Clarke, Gwyneth Lewis, Ruth Bidgood and Sheenagh Pugh. Merging traditional literary criticism with cultural-political and geographical analysis, Alice Entwistle shows how writers' different senses of relationship with Wales, its languages, history and imaginative, as well as political, geography feeds the form as well as the content of their poetry. Her innovative critical study thus takes particular interest in the ways in which author, text and territory help to inform and produce each other in the culturally complex and confident small nation that is twenty-first century Wales.

1. On the Border(s): The interstitial poetries of the contact zone 2. 'Not without strangeness': Ruth Bidgood's unhomely mid-Wales 3. Frontier Country: Christine Evans 4. 'A kind of authentic lie': Gwyneth Lewis and the lyric sequence 5. Traverses, Ireland/Wales: Gillian Clarke, Christine Evans and Catherine Fisher 6. Wales and/or thereabouts: Sheenagh Pugh, Wendy Mulford and Zoe Skoulding

Author(s): Alice Entwistle

Alice Entwistle is Principal Lecturer in English at the University of South Wales. Co-author with Jane Dowson of A History of Twentieth Century British Women's Poetry (Cambridge, 2005), she has published widely on poetries voicing the relationship between politics and identity in and beyond the cultural complex of the so-called British Isles.

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