Politics and Teleology in Kant

Author(s) Tatiana Patrone,Paul Formosa,Avery Goldman

Language: English

Genre(s): Philosophy

Series: Political Philosophy Now

  • April 2014 · 320 pages ·216x138mm

  • · Hardback - 9781783160662
  • · eBook - pdf - 9781783160679
  • · eBook - epub - 9781783161508

This volume critically examines and elucidates the complex relationship between politics and teleology in Kant's philosophical system. Examining this relationship is of key philosophical importance since Kant develops his political philosophy in the context of a teleological conception of the purposiveness of both nature and human history. Kant's approach poses the dual task of reconciling his normative political theory with both his priori moral philosophy and his teleological philosophy of nature and human history. The fourteen essays in this volume, by leading scholars in the field, explore the relationship between teleology and politics from multiple perspectives. Together, the essays explore Kant's normative political theory and legal philosophy, his cosmopolitanism and views on international relations, his theory of history, his theory of natural teleology, and the broader relationship between morality, history, nature and politics in Kant's works. This important new volume will be of interest to a wide audience, including Kant scholars, scholars and students working on topics in moral and political philosophy, the philosophy of history, political theory and political science, legal scholars and international relations theorists, as well as those interested broadly in the history of ideas.

Introduction: The Connection between Politics and Teleology in Kant Paul Formosa, Avery Goldman and Tatiana Patrone 1. Natural Right in Toward Perpetual Peace Howard Williams 2. The Ends of Politics: Kant on Sovereignty, Civil Disobedience and Cosmopolitanism Paul Formosa 3. The Development of Kant's Cosmopolitanism Pauline Kleingeld 4. Kant's Principles of Publicity Allen Wood 5. Public Reason and Kantian Civic Education, or: are the humanities 'dispensable' and if not, why not? Susan Meld Shell 6. Kant, Justice and Civic Fellowship Sarah Holtman 7. Teleology and the Grounds of Duties of Juridical Right Tatiana Patrone 8. The Guarantee of Perpetual Peace: Three Concerns Luigi Caranti 9. The Function and Structure of Teleology in Kant's Philosophy of History and Political Philosophy Thomas Fiegle 10. The Political Foundations of Prophetic History Sharon Anderson-Gold 11. What are we allowed to hope? Kant's Philosophy of History as Political Philosophy Fotini Vaki 12. Perfected Humanity: Nature's Final End and the End in Itself Richard Dean 13. The Principle of Purposiveness: From the Beautiful to the Biological and finally to the Political in Kant's Critique of Judgment Avery Goldman 14. Kant's Pure Ethics and the Problem of 'Application' Angelica Nuzzo

Author(s): Tatiana Patrone

Tatiana Patrone is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Ithaca College, New York. Her research and teaching focuses on Kant’s ethical theory and current issues in applied ethics.

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Author(s): Paul Formosa

Paul Formosa is Research Fellow and Lecturer at Macquarie University, Australia. He has published widely on topics in moral and political philosophy, in particular on Kant and moral evil.

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Author(s): Avery Goldman

Avery Goldman is Associate Professor of Philosophy at DePaul University, Illinois. He teaches and conducts research related to Kant, post-Kantian German philosophy and Phenomenology.

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