Queer Wales
The History, Culture and Politics of Queer Life in Wales
Editor(s) Huw Osborne
Language: English
Genre(s): Gender Studies, Welsh Interest, Politics, History, Philosophy
Series: Gender Studies in Wales
- June 2016 · 352 pages ·234x156mm
- · Paperback - 9781783168637
- · eBook - pdf - 9781783168644
- · eBook - epub - 9781783168651
The relationship between nation and queer sexuality has long been a fraught one, for the sustaining myths of the former are often at odds with the needs of the latter. This collection of essays introduces readers to important historical and cultural figures and moments in queer life, and it addresses some of the urgent questions of queer belonging that face Wales today.
I.The Queer Past Before 1900
Queer Loss: Felicia Hemans, (trans)nationalism, and the Welsh Bard
Daniel Hannah
‘Gender difference is nothing’: Cranogwen and Victorian Wales
Jane Aaron
‘Please don’t whip me this time’: The Passions of George Powell of Nant-Eos
Harry Heuser
From Huw Arwystli to Siôn Eirian: Representitive Examples of Cadi/Queer Life from Medieval to Twentieth Century Welsh Literature
Mihangel Morgan
II.Placing Queer Wales after 1900
‘A queer kind of fancy’: women, same-sex desire, and nation in Welsh literature
Kirsti Bohata
‘Not friends / But fellows in a union that ends’: Associations of Welshness and Non-heteronormativity in Edward Thomas
Andrew Webb
Fairy Tale Drag and the Transgender Nation in Rhys Davies, Erica Wooff, and Jan Morris.
Huw Osborne
III.Building Queer Wales Post-Devolution
Lesbian Motherhood in the South Wales Valleys: A Narrative Exploration
Alys Einion
Living in Fear: Homophobic Hate Crime in Wales
Matthew Williams and Jasmin Tregidga
Heb addysg, heb ddawn (Without education, without gift): LGBTQ Youth in Educational Settings in Wales
John Sam Jones
IV.Performing Contemporary Queer Wales
Omnisexuality and the City: Exploring National and Sexual Identity through BBC Wales’ Torchwood
Rebecca Williams and Ruth McElroy
Queer/Welsh and Welsh/Queer: Performing Hybrid Wales
Stephen Greer