Rebecca’s Country

A Welsh Story of Riot and Resistance

Author(s) Rhian E. Jones

Language: English

Genre(s): Welsh Interest, History

  • October 2024 · 256 pages ·216x135mm

  • · Hardback - 9781915279743
  • · eBook - epub - 9781915279767
  • · eBook - pdf - 9781915279774

About The Book

In the early years of the Victorian era, men in Pembrokeshire, Carmarthenshire and Cardiganshire rebelled against the imposition of tolls on the roads they travelled while making their living. In a mass protest movement, they dressed themselves in dramatic and colourful costumes, and led by the enigmatic figure of ‘Rebecca’, they attacked symbols of injustice, redistributed wealth, and clashed with both local authorities and the national government.

These events, which became known as the Rebecca riots, provide a compelling story of successful direct action. But they were also a broader uprising of communities across Wales against a wide range of financial, social and political pressures.

In Rebecca’s Country, historian Rhian E. Jones explores the background, chronology and achievements of the movement, and the glimpse that it gives into the lives of ordinary people and how they responded to the sweeping and severe changes of the early nineteenth century, telling the human stories behind this fascinating history.

About the Author(s)

Author(s): Rhian E. Jones

Rhian E. Jones grew up in south Wales and now lives and works in London, where she writes on history, politics, popular culture. and their intersections. After studying at London and Oxford, she worked in retail while working to establish herself as a journalist, historian and writer of fiction and non-fiction. She has written for various publications including The Guardian, Salon, Los Angeles Review of Books, New Welsh Review and the Morning Star. Her first book Clampdown: Pop-Cultural Wars on Class and Gender (Zero Books, 2013), a critique of British popular culture and politics from the 1990s onwards, was included in the Guardian’s Best Music Books of 2013. She writes the blog 'Velvet Coalmine' at

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