Social Policy, Crime and Punishment

Essays in Memory of Jane Morgan

Editor(s) Ieuan Gwynedd Jones,Glanmor Williams

Language: English

Genre(s): Literary Criticism, Social Policy and Law

  • March 1994 · 216 pages ·216x138mm

  • · Hardback - 9780708312582

Lloyd George and Churchill, Peter Clark; crime in the South Wales police district, D.J.V. Jones; "voices of the unheard" - riots in contemporary Britain, Neil Evans; researching the child victims, Lucia Zedner; open adoption, John Williams; practice and research, Jill Peay; race relations in prisons, Elaine Player and Elaine Genders; justice and responsibility, Rod Morgan.

Author(s): Ieuan Gwynedd Jones

Ieuan Gwynedd Jones is a Welsh historian.

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Author(s): Glanmor Williams

Sir Glanmor Williams was the author of many books and articles including The Welsh Church from Conquest to Reformation (1962) and Wales and the Reformation (1997).

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