Speeches and Articles 2013 - 2017
His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales
Editor(s) David Cadman
Language: English
Genre(s): Reference
- August 2019 · 672 pages ·246x189mm
- · Hardback - 9781786834447
In 2014, Volumes One and Two of the speeches and articles of His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales were archived and published by the University of Wales Press. This third volume of the speeches and articles of The Prince of Wales includes a thematic expansion to the section on ‘Climate Change and Sustainability’, accommodating a number of texts that address the interconnected relationship between economic, social and environmental sustainability. As The Prince of Wales marks his seventieth birthday, we note a significant achievement. Over the years, in broader terms, his words and actions have received little publicity, but matters on which The Prince has voiced concern have subsequently risen on the agenda for a great many other thoughtful and well-informed observers. It is hoped that among the merits of this archive is its record of The Prince’s contribution, which will allow a fair and balanced assessment of his singularly remarkable contribution.
Part 1: Harmony
Part 2: Farming, Fisheries And Forestry
Part 3: Climate Change (And Sustainability)
Part 4: Architecture And The Built Environment
Part 5: Integrated Medicine And Health
Part 6: Society, Religon And Tradition
Part 7: Education
Part 8: The Prince’s Trust And Business In The Community