Star Warriors of the Modern Raj

Materiality, Mythology and Technology of Indian Science Fiction

Author(s) Sami Ahmad Khan

Language: English

Genre(s): Literary Criticism

Series: New Dimensions in Science Fiction

  • June 2021 · 272 pages ·216x138mm

  • · Hardback - 9781786837622
  • · eBook - pdf - 9781786837639
  • · eBook - epub - 9781786837646

India is mutating – and its Science Fiction with it. Star Warriors of the Modern Raj is a critical catalogue of contemporary India’s anglophone SF, a path-breaking work that flits between texts, vantage points and frameworks. An alternative to a Eurocentric perspective of SF, this study avoids essentialising definitions and delves into how the world of SF (text) intersects with that of the writer/reader. Fusing paradigms of Science Fiction Studies, South Asian Studies and Postcolonial Studies, among others, the book explicates how India and its SF negotiate one another. It evolves a ‘transMIT thesis’ to analyse how mythology (M), ideology (I) and technology (T) contour Indian SF and its fictional reimaginings. This study identifies the manifestations of divine beings within SF as differing epistemological categories, locates the modes of marginalisation within Indian popular imagination as altars of alterity, before proceeding to analyse how newer technologies engage with socio-political anxieties in and through SF.


Interested in learning about Science Fiction and South Asia? Click on the link below to read Mithila Review interview with Sami Ahmad Khan where he discusses his upcoming volume Star Warriors of the Modern Raj.

Author’s Note
List of Illustrations–– 3 (‘IN situ Model’, ‘transMIT thesis’ and ‘TIMography’)
List of Tables–– 1 (ISFE’s Soul)
Content Acknowledgements
Part I (SF-101)
Part II (Materiality)
Section Prologue: The Altar of Alterity
Section Epilogue: The Materiality Menace
Part III (Mythology)
Section Prologue: Hey Bhagwan, the ET has Landed!
Section Epilogue: Revenge of the Myth
Part IV (Technology)
Section Prologue: Beat, Prey, Love
Section Epilogue: The Technology Awakens
Part V (Conclusion)
Works Cited

Author(s): Sami Ahmad Khan

Sami Ahmad Khan is a novelist, academic and documentary producer. Sami is the recipient of a Fulbright grant to the University of Iowa and holds a PhD from Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), Delhi. His future-war debut Red Jihad won two literary awards, and his second novel Aliens in Delhi garnered rave reviews; he has taught at IIT Delhi, JGU, JNU and GGSIPU, and is presently a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Fellow at the University of Oslo, Norway.

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