The British Working Class in the Twentieth Century

Film, Literature and Television

Author(s) John Kirk

Language: English

Genre(s): Modern Languages, History

  • February 2009 · 224 pages ·216x138mm

  • · Hardback - 9780708318133
  • · Paperback - 9780708321904

About The Book

Challenges the suggestions that class is no longer relevant for literary analysis. This work examines how the lives and experiences of working-class people have changed, and how these changes have been depicted and explored in a range of fictional and non-fictional texts and films.


'The University of Wales Press is to be complimented on publishing a work from which provides so many insights for the field of Welsh cultural studies.'


Introduction: Some Theoretical Perspectives I Contrary Voices: Images of the British Working Class from the 1930s and 1950s II Class, Community and 'Structures of Feeling' III Figuring the Dispossessed: Images of the Urban Working Class in the Writing of James Kelman IV Recovered Perspectives: Feminism and the Working Class V Recent Northern Realism: Return of the Repressed VI Black/Asian British Writing and Articulations of Class

About the Author(s)

Author(s): John Kirk

Dr John Anthony Kirk was an American historian, journalist, educator and bibliographer.

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