The Changing Face of Learning Technology
The Changing Face of Learning Technology
Editor(s) David Squires,Gabriel Jacobs,Grainne Canole
Language: English
Genre(s): Social Policy and Law, Medieval, Modern Languages
- November 2000 · 188 pages ·254x170mm
- · Paperback - 9780708316818
The book will consist of a dozen seminal articles published since Alt-J was first launched in 1993. Each original article will be supplemented by a 500- word update. The book will illustrate how the area of learning technology has developed since the journal was first launched. It will examine to what extent predictions about the use and role of learning technology, have or have not come true. For example the significance and impact of the Internet on learning and teaching could not have been predicted seven years ago. This will be reflected in the introduction, which will justify the choice of articles and provide a context for the work.
Author(s): David Squires
Author(s): Gabriel Jacobs
Gabriel Jacobs is Senior Lecturer in the European Business Management School at the University of Wales, Swansea.Author(s): Grainne Canole