The Gwent County History, Volume 5
The Twentieth Century
Editor(s) Ralph A. Griffiths,Chris Williams,Andy Croll
Language: English
Genre(s): Welsh Interest, History
Series: Gwent County History
- June 2013 · 360 pages ·246x189mm
- · Hardback - 9780708326480
Two distinguished historians of twentieth-century Britain, especially Wales, marshal seventeen fellow historians to describe the momentous twentieth century in the history of south-east Wales. The book is the fifth and last volume in a magisterial survey of Gwent/Monmouthshire from prehistoric times to the present day. Two World Wars and deep depression tested the resilience of the county's people, while the decline of mining and heavy industry shifted the balance of the county's economy. Other chapters analyse the life and leisure of ordinary people, their cultural, intellectual and sporting interests, their religion which formerly bulked so large in their lives, and the changes in the landscape of town and country.
"This well-researched, beautifully written, and thoroughly engaging volume completes a magnificent county history that will be a cornerstone of the region's culture and identity for many years to come."--Peter Wakelin, Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wale
1. The First World War Peter Strong 2. The Second World War Peter Strong 3. The Coal Industry Trevor Boyns 4. Iron, Steel and Aluminium John Elliott And Colin Deneen 5. Manufacturing Industry, Communications and Commerce Ben Curtis 6. The Rural Economy Ian Pincombe 7. Changes in Local Government Robert Mccloy 8. Population and Languages W. T. R. Pryce 9. Sex, Marriage and the Family Rachel Lock-Lewis 10. Poverty, Mass Unemployment and Welfare Andy Croll 11. Popular Leisure Martin Johnes 12. Religion Jeremy Morris 13. Education Keith Davies 14. Visual Culture Peter Lord And John Morgan Guy 15. Literature Jane Aaron 16. Parliamentary Representation Gerard Charmley 17. Labour, Class and Conflict Alun Burge 18. Who Talks of My Nation? Chris Williams
Author(s): Ralph A. Griffiths
Ralph Griffiths, Emeritus Professor of Medieval History at Swansea University, is Hon. Vice-President of the Royal Historical Society, and formerly Chairman of the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales.Author(s): Chris Williams
Chris Williams is Professor of History and Head of the School of History, Archaeology and Religion, Cardiff University.Author(s): Andy Croll
Andy Croll is principal lecturer in History at the University of South Wales.