The Politics of Literature

Poland, 1945-89

Author(s) Carl Tighe

Language: English

Genre(s): Literary Criticism

  • April 1999 · 304 pages ·216x135mm

  • · Hardback - 9780708315248

This study of post-war Polish intellectual history analyzes the complex interface between politics and literature under communism. It suggests that it was not the Catholic Church but the writers of the lay-left who were the most consistent critics and opponents of Stalinism.

'The Politics of Literature is described on the jacket as a 'study of Polish intellectual history' which 'analyses the complex interface between politics and literature under communism'. This book is actually much more, since in addition to the to the 'interface' it provides a detailed political history of the era, based on secondary sources, and also a comprehensive account of developments in Polish literature. Hence it could serve as a textbook on both literature and history/politics courses. Its mass of detail makes it also useful as a reference work.' Modern Language Review