The Rebecca Riots
A Study in Agrarian Discontent
Author(s) David Williams
Language: English
Genre(s): History
- March 2011 · 256 pages ·216x138mm
- · Paperback - 9780708323960
About The Book
"It is safe to say that Professor Williams's excellently written and dispassionate account of the riots and their background is likely to remain the final word on the subject." -Times Literary Supplement
'This classic book was first published in 1955 and has been reprinted regularly since. It is easy to understand why - it's a comprehensive account of the Riots that puts events into their economic and historic context, but doesn't fail to neglect the telling of a brave and remarkable story.'
- Resolute Reader
The Gentry of West Wales; Local Government and Administration; The Economic Background; Social Conditions; The Growth of Opinion; The Roads of West Wales; The Outbreak of Rioting; Midsummer Madness; Smouldering Embers; Rebecca Triumphans.