Wales in British Politics, 1868-1922

Author(s) Kenneth O. Morgan

Language: English

Genre(s): Welsh Interest

  • October 1991 · 378 pages ·220x142mm

  • · Paperback - 9780708311240

The author illustrates the nature and the limitations of political nationalism that arose in Wales in the last century, and investigates its impact upon Welsh politics and society. He outlines and explains the growing awareness of opinion outside Wales of the distinctive needs of the Principality, as the indifference, if not contempt, of mid-Victorian Britain gradually gave way to a more intelligent, if sometimes still patronizing, understanding. An Epilogue takes the account down to 1970, and this revised edition incorporates a number of minor amendments and additions.

Author(s): Kenneth O. Morgan

Kenneth O. Morgan is currently a Research Professor at King's College, London. A Fellow of the British Academy, and a member of the House of Lords since 2000, Lord Morgan is also an Honourable Fellow of The Queen's College, Oxford, and of Oriel College, Oxford, and a Fellow of the Universities of Swansea, Cardiff, Glamorgan. He has also held the positions of Vice-Chancellor of the University of Wales, Aberystwyth, and Senior Vice-Chancellor of the University of Wales.

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