Wales Today

Editor(s) David Dunkerley,Andrew Thompson

Language: English

Genre(s): Welsh Interest

  • December 1999 · 336 pages

  • · eBook - ESO html - 9780585333021

About The Book

In the last decades of the 20th century, Wales has experienced a process of social upheaval. Some of the changes, notably the increasing participation in higher education and the establishment of the National Assembly, have positive implications. Others, such as the crisis in agriculture and the problems of the south Wales valleys, are a cause for grave concern. These essays address a kaleidoscope of themes, such as education, language, the arts and media, race, poverty, homelessness, health, child welfare, crime, the position of women and the rural dimension. The volume as a whole provides an assessment of the political, cultural, economic and social state of Wales.


'Each chapter is written by an expert and the authors succeed in providing a concise overview of contemporary research in their topic...This book challenges some conventional wisdoms and will provoke further debate on the nature of contemporary Welsh politics.' Political Studies


Adrian Webb-Foreword; David Dunkerley and Andrew Thompson-Introduction; Merfyn Jones-Social Change in Wales since 1945; David Dunkerley-Social Wales; David Adamson-Poverty and Social Exclusion in Wales Today; Ralph Fevre-The Welsh Economy; Graham Day-The Rural Dimension; John Aitchison and Harold Carter-The Welsh Language; Steve Blandford-Aspects of the Live and Recorded Arts in Contemporary Wales; Stuart Allan and Tom O'Malley-The Media in Wales; Teri Brewer-Heritage Tourism: a mirror for Wales?; Susan Hutson-A Decade of Youth Homelessness; Matthew Colton-Child Welfare in Wales; Marcus Longley and Morton Warner-Health and Health Delivery in Wales Adrian Barton, Fiona Brookman and David Smith-Crime and Wales; Gareth Rees and Sara Delamont-Education in Wales; Teresa Rees-Women in Wales; Charlotte Williams-'Race' and Racism - What's special about Wales?; Alys Thomas-Politics in Wales: a new era?; Andrew Thompson-Wales in Europe

About the Editor(s)

Author(s): David Dunkerley

Professor David Dunkerley was a prominent sociologist whose research included civil society, European migration and studies on globalisation.

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Author(s): Andrew Thompson

Andrew Thompson is Head of School, Humanities and Social Sciences, University of South Wales.

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