Wales Today
Editor(s) David Dunkerley,Andrew Thompson
Language: English
Genre(s): Welsh Interest
- December 1999 · 336 pages
- · eBook - ESO html - 9780585333021
About The Book
'Each chapter is written by an expert and the authors succeed in providing a concise overview of contemporary research in their topic...This book challenges some conventional wisdoms and will provoke further debate on the nature of contemporary Welsh politics.' Political Studies
Adrian Webb-Foreword; David Dunkerley and Andrew Thompson-Introduction; Merfyn Jones-Social Change in Wales since 1945; David Dunkerley-Social Wales; David Adamson-Poverty and Social Exclusion in Wales Today; Ralph Fevre-The Welsh Economy; Graham Day-The Rural Dimension; John Aitchison and Harold Carter-The Welsh Language; Steve Blandford-Aspects of the Live and Recorded Arts in Contemporary Wales; Stuart Allan and Tom O'Malley-The Media in Wales; Teri Brewer-Heritage Tourism: a mirror for Wales?; Susan Hutson-A Decade of Youth Homelessness; Matthew Colton-Child Welfare in Wales; Marcus Longley and Morton Warner-Health and Health Delivery in Wales Adrian Barton, Fiona Brookman and David Smith-Crime and Wales; Gareth Rees and Sara Delamont-Education in Wales; Teresa Rees-Women in Wales; Charlotte Williams-'Race' and Racism - What's special about Wales?; Alys Thomas-Politics in Wales: a new era?; Andrew Thompson-Wales in Europe