Welsh Writing in English

A Yearbook of Critical Essays

Editor(s) Tony Brown

Language: English

Genre(s): Welsh Interest

  • March 2007 · 224 pages ·210x148mm

  • · Paperback - 9780708321096

About The Book

A collection of critical essays by renowned scholars dealing with various aspects of literature, both poetry and prose, written in English in Wales during the 20th century, including discussions on the work of Christine Evans, R.S. Thomas, Caradoc Evans, and on literary subjects; it also includes a Bibliography of Criticism.


Ruth McElroy: "Circuiting Empire, Romancing Difference: Language, Imperialism, and Anglo-Indian and Anglo-Welsh Fictions." Harri Roberts: "The Body and the Book" Caradoc Evans's My People" M. Wynn Thomas: "'A Grand Harlequinade': The Border Writing of Nigel Heseltine" Rhian Davies: "Scarred Background: Nigel Heseltine (1916-1995), A Biographical Introduction and a Bibliography" Fflur Dafydd: "'This is I; there is nothing else': R. S. Thomas and Hugh MacDiarmid" William V. Davis: "Evidence of Things Not Seen: R. S. Thomas's Agnostic Faith" Malcolm Ballin: Welsh Periodicals in English: Second Aeon and Poetry Wales (1965-1985) Matthew Jarvis: "Christine Evans's Bardsey: Creating Sacred Space" Diane Green: "Welsh Writing in English: A Bibliography of Critics 2005"

About the Editor(s)

Author(s): Tony Brown

TONY BROWN is Professor Emeritus in the School of English Literature and co-director of the R. S. Thomas Research Centre at Bangor University. The founder-editor of Welsh Writing in English: A Yearbook of Critical Essays (1995–2007), he has published widely on the English-language literature of Wales, especially on the work of Glyn Jones (Collected Stories, 1999) and of R. S. Thomas; his study of the latter in the Writers of Wales series was re-issued by the University of Wales Press in 2013.

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