Writing the Future

Lazamon's Prophetic History

Author(s) Kelley Wickham-Crowley

Language: English

Genre(s): Literary Criticism

  • September 2002 · 192 pages ·216x138mm

  • · Hardback - 9780708317143

About The Book

This text examines the relationship between literature and history in Lazamon's "Brut", a 12th-century verse history of Britain, while demonstrating Lazamon's use of prophecy as a strategy to unite political and religious ideologies.


Introduction: Critical Views Once and Future Scholarship Current Views: Donoghue and Ambivalence Writing the Future: the Argument Chapter One: Language as Personal History The Prologue of the Brut: Lazamon's Personal History Language as Cultural Product Duty to Heritage Betrayal Duty, History and Bakhtin Chapter Two: Individual Potential and Community Play, Creation and Intent Narrator's Intrusion: Voice, Orality and Textuality Dialogues The Welsh Connection Texts, Community and Prophecy Lazamon and Bakhtin: Back to the Future Chapter Three: History, Prophecy and Possibility Magic and Divination: The Supernatural Merlin as Lazamon's Prophet Prophecy, Possibility and Preaching Lazamon and Bakhtin: Textual and Narrative Potential Appendix: Overview of Lazamon's Brut

About the Author(s)

Author(s): Kelley Wickham-Crowley

Kelley M. Wickham-Crowley is an associate Professor in the Department of English at Georgetown University, specialising in old English and Medieval English literature.

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