Over the next eighteen months the University of Wales Press will publish digital versions of some of its classics, cited by Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol lecturers as works of particular value for teaching students through the medium of Welsh across a broad range of subjects – including Philosophy, History, Law and Science. The Press intends to publish these works in electronic format for a reasonable price to enable students to purchase and use them.

The books on the list include some of the most innovative and masterful scholarly works of the twentieth century – Emrys Evans’ translations of Plato; R. T. Jenkins’ volumes on eighteenth and nineteenth century Welsh history; the works of Henry Lewis and Arwyn Watkins on linguistics; and R. I. Aaron and D. James Jones’ guides to the history of Greek and modern philosophy, from Socrates to Hegel. These titles are part of the wealth of Welsh scholarly volumes published since the University of Wales Press was established in 1922, and digitising them will make them accessible to a new generation of readers and students.

Helgard Krause, Director of the Press said:

“Welsh language publications have been a crucial element of the University of Wales Press since its establishment in the 1920s, and I am extremely pleased that we can use the latest technology to republish these books”

The books will be available for purchase through the University of Wales website.

The University of Wales Press will make every effort to ensure that authors or authors’ estates will receive the royalties from any sales of the newly digitised versions of their works. Many of the books were published before the Second World War when in many cases there were no formal written agreements between authors and publishers.

If you are the executor for the estate of any authors on the following list, also available on the University of Wales Website, please contact Llion Wigley, University of Wales Press Commissioning Editor, (Llion.Wigley@gwasg.cymru.ac.uk or 02920 557445) to ensure that royalties are paid to the right person.

Gwaith Tudur Aled (ed.) T. Gwynn Jones

Hanes Cymru yn y Ddeunawfed Ganrif by R. T. Jenkins

Geirfa  Barddoniaeth Gynnar Gymraeg, 2 gyfrol by J. Lloyd-Jones

Hanes Athroniaeth o Descartes i Hegel by R. I. Aaron

Y Groegiaid Gynt (Cyfres y Brifysgol a’r Werin Rhif 11) by T. Hudson-Williams

Hanes Cymru yn y Bedwaredd Ganrif ar Bymtheg by R. T. Jenkins

Platon – Amddiffyniad Socrates (trans.) D. Emrys Evans

Elfennau Cemeg by R. O. Davies

Gerallt Gymro: Hanes y Daith trwy Gymru, Disgrifiad o Gymru (trans.) Thomas Jones

Platon – Phaedon (trans.) D. Emrys Evans

Hanes Athroniaeth, y Cyfnod Groegaidd (Cyfres y Brifysgol a’r werin Rhif 19) by D. James Jones

Platon – Ewthyffron-Criton (ed.) D. Emrys Evans

Y Wladwriaeth a’i Hawdurdod (Cyfres y Brifysgol a’r werin Rhif 20) by Hywel D. Lewis and J. Alun Thomas

Yr Elfen Ladin yn yr Iaith Gymraeg by Henry Lewis

Platon – Gorgias (trans.) D. Emrys Evans

Breudwyt Ronabwy: Allan o’r Llyfr Coch o Hergest (ed.) Melville Richards

Baledi Morgannwg by Ben Bowen Thomas

Plato(n): Y Wladwriaeth (ed.) D. Emrys Evans

Ieithyddiaeth: Agweddau ar Astudio Iaith by T. Arwyn Watkins

Gweithiau William Williams, Pantycelyn. Cyfrol II by Garfield Hughes

Crefyddau’r Dwyrain by Cyril H. Williams

Meistri’r Canrifoedd (ed.) R. Geraint Gruffydd

The Linguistic Geography of Wales: A Contribution to Welsh Dialectology by Alan R. Thomas

Y Traddodiad Barddol by Gwyn Thomas

Historia Gruffud vab Kenan (ed) D. Simon Evans

Aristoteles: Barddoneg (trans.) J. Gwyn Griffiths

Ysgrifau Athronyddol ar Grefydd (Cyfres Beibl a Chrefydd 5) (ed.) J.I. Daniel and John Fitzgerald

Datblygiad yr Iaith Gymraeg by Henry Lewis

Y Meddwl Cyfoes (ed.) Meredydd Evans

Cyflwyniad i Astudio’r Iaith Gymraeg by David Thorne

Llywelyn ap Gruffudd Tywysog Cymru by J. Beverley Smith

Cyfres Beirdd y Tywysogion (general ed.) R. Geraint Gruffydd

Cerddi Saunders Lewis (ed.) R. Geraint Gruffydd

Crefft y Cyfarwydd: Astudiaeth o Dechnegau Naratif yn Y Mabinogion by Sioned Davies

Y Meddwl Cymreig by W. J. Rees

Beirdd a Thywysogion. Barddoniaeth Llys yng Nghymru, Iwerddon a’r Alban by Morfudd E. Owen and Brynley F. Roberts

Tir Neb: Rhyddiaeth Gymraeg a’r Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf by Gerwyn Wiliams

Yr Arglwydd Rhys by Nerys Ann Jones and Huw Pryce

Dramâu Saunders Lewis: Y Casgliad Cyflawn [Cyfrol 1 a 2] (ed.) Ioan M. Williams

Wallace: Gwyddonydd Anwyddonol by Elwyn Hughes

Aristoteles: Moeseg Nicomachaidd (trans.) John Fitzgerald

Ysbryd y Cwlwm: Delwedd y Genedl yn ein Llenyddiaeth by R. M. Jones

Hywel ab Owain Gwynedd: Bardd Dywysog by Nerys Ann Jones
