The Welsh History Review

Language: English and Welsh

Published Twice yearly

Print ISSN: 0043-2431 Online ISSN: 0083-792X

About the Journal

Published by the University of Wales Press since its inception in 1960, The Welsh History Review has established itself as the most authoritative journal in its field. This twice-yearly journal is committed to publishing a wide variety of scholarly research on Welsh history, from medieval to modern. The internationally renowned editorial board includes scholars from universities in Wales, England and the United States, whose breadth of knowledge is representative of the journal and its content, which is typically a diverse range of cultural, social, political and economic history.


  • Institutions
  • Print only £63.50
  • Online only £63.50
  • Combined £116.50
  • Individuals
  • Print only £35
  • Online only £35
  • Combined £58


Editorial Note
Transnational Memory and Y Ffydd Ddi-ffuant: by Dewi Alter
Connections Between Welsh and Irish Landed Estates, c.1650–c.1920: A Preliminary Overview: by Adam Coward
The Power of Place: Penrhyn Castle as a Means of Exploring Welsh Histories of Colonialism and Transatlantic Slavery: by Eleanor Harding
Wales and its Historians: Review Article: by Ralph A. Griffiths

Jones, Princely Ambition: Ideology, Castle-building and Landscape in Gwynedd: by Thomas Davies
Roberts, Edward Lhwyd: by Hefin Jones
Allen (ed.), The Welsh Society of Philadelphia 1798–1839: by Eryn M. White
Morgan-Guy (ed.), Treasures: The Special Collections of the University of Wales Trinity Saint David: by Prys Morgan
Evans-Jones, ‘Mae’r Beibl o’n Tu’: gan Gethin Matthews
Leeworthy, Causes in Common: by Mari Wiliam
Rees, Hanes Tregaron a’r Cyffiniau: gan Geraint H. Jenkins
King, Brittle with Relics: by Ben Curtis
Sills-Jones and Gruffydd Jones (eds), Documentary in Wales: by Elain Price
Shipton, Mr Jones – The Man Who Knew Too Much; Gamache, Gareth
Jones: On Assignment in Nazi Germany 1933–34: by Gethin Matthews
Rees, Cofiant Aneurin Bevan: Cawr o Gymro a Thad y Gwasanaeth Iechyd: gan Aled Eirug
Miles and Towns, Bob Dylan and Dylan Thomas: The Two Dylans: by David Boucher
Morgan, Place-Names of Carmarthenshire: by Gerald Morgan
Powel a Matthews (goln), Llunio Hanes: Hanesyddiaeth a Chrefft yr Hanesydd: gan Aled Gruffydd Jones

Articles relating to the history of Wales, published mainly in 2022:
Welsh history before 1660: by Roger Turvey
Welsh history after 1660: by Aled Huw Jones
Notes for Contributors of Articles and Reviews

Vol No:31
Part No:4 of 4
December 2023

Vol No:31
Part No:3 of 3
June 2023

Part No:2 of 4
December 2022

Vol No:31
Part No:1 of 4
June 2022

Vol No:30
December 2021

Vol No:30
Part No:2 of 4
June 2021

Part No:1 of 4
December 2020

Vol No:30
Part No:4 of 4
June 2020

Vol No:31
Part No:4 of 4
December 2019

Vol No:29
Part No:3 of 4
June 2019

Part No:2 of 4
December 2018

Vol No:29
Part No:1 of 4
June 2018

Vol No:30
Part No:4 of 4
December 2017

Vol No:28
Part No:3 of 4
June 2017

Part No:2 of 4
December 2016

Vol No:28
Part No:1 of 4
July 2016

Vol No:27
Part No:4 of 4
December 2015

Vol No:27
Part No:3 of 4
July 2015

Vol No:27
Part No:2 of 4
December 2014

Vol No:29
Part No:1 of 4
July 2014

Vol No:26
Part No:4 of 4
December 2013

Vol No:26
Part No:3 of 4
July 2013

Vol No:26
Part No:2 of 4
December 2012

Vol No:28
Part No:1 of 4
July 2012

Vol No:25
Part No:4 of 4
December 2011

Vol No:25
Part No:3 of 4
July 2011

Vol No:25
Part No:2 of 4
December 2010

Vol No:25
Part No:1 of 4
July 2010

Vol No:24
Part No:4 of 4
December 2009

Vol No:24
Part No:3 of 4
June 2009

Vol No:24
Part No:2 of 4
December 2008

Vol No:24
Part No:1 of 4
June 2008

Vol No:23
Part No:4 of 4
December 2007

Vol No:23
Part No:3 of 4
June 2007

Vol No:23
Part No:2 of 4
February 2007

Vol No:23
Part No:1 of 4
June 2006

Vol No:22
Part No:4 of 4
October 2005

Vol No:22
Part No:3 of 4
June 2005

Vol No:22
Part No:2 of 4
December 2004

Vol No:22
Part No:1 of 4
June 2004

Vol No:21
Part No:4 of 4
December 2003

Vol No:21
Part No:3 of 4
June 2003

Vol No:21
Part No:2 of 4
December 2002

Vol No:21
Part No:1 of 4
June 2002


Professor Huw Pryce, Bangor University

Professor Paul O’Leary, Aberystwyth University

Professor Louise Miskell, Swansea University

Reviews Editor: Dr Shaun Evans, Bangor University

Matthew Cragoe, University of Lincoln

Fiona Edmonds, Lancaster University

John S. Ellis, University of Michigan-Flint

Ralph A. Griffiths, Swansea University

Karen Jankulak, Felinfach, Lampeter

Geraint H. Jenkins, University of Wales Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies, Aberystwyth

Angela V. John, Swansea University

Aled Gruffydd Jones, Aberystwyth

Bill Jones, Cardiff University

Kenneth O. Morgan, The Queen’s College, Oxford

Robin Chapman Stacey, University of Washington, Seattle

Chris Williams, University College Cork

Gareth Williams, University of South Wales


Authors of articles should submit an electronic version (preferably as an e-mail attachment). Articles should be no longer than 10,000 words and follow the guidelines on style set out in the Notes for Contributors (printed at the back of WHR 26 (4), and also available from the Editors).

Proposed contributions on Welsh history pre-1700 should be sent to Professor Huw Pryce, School of History, Welsh History and Archaeology, Bangor University, Bangor, Gwynedd, LL57 2DG. Email:

Proposed contributions on Welsh history post-1700 should be sent to Dr Paul O’Leary,  Department of History and Welsh History, Aberystwyth University, Hugh Owen  Building, Penglais, Aberystwyth, SY23 3DY. Email:


Please send electronic and hard copies of reviews to Dr Shaun Evans, Director of the Institute for the Study of Welsh Estates (ISWE), Bangor University, Bangor, Gwynedd, LL57 2DG. Email:

Publication Ethics

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