During June, the University of Wales Press will be participating in the following events and conferences:
4 Launch of The Fascist Party in Wales? Plaid Cymru and the accusation of Fascism by Richard Wyn Jones at the Wales Millenium Centre, 6pm
9 The Durnell Sales Conference, presenting new titles to sales representatives for Europe, Ireland and Israel
10 The Compass Academic Sales Conference, presenting new titles to sales representatives for the UK
12-13 The Welsh Books Council Sales Conference, presenting new titles to sales representatives for Wales
13-14 70th Anniversary of the Liberation of France, London
18 The eminent historian K.O. Morgan will be receiving a Lifetime Achievement Award by the Parliamentary Archives and History APPG
20 The Launch of Women’s Writing in Twenty First-Century France at Senate House, University of London
20-22 Dinefwr Literary Festival, Dinefwr Park, Llandeilo
21 The Edward Thomas Fellowship’s Study Day at Rewley House, Oxford. UWP author Dr. Judy Kendall will be speaking on Edward Thomas and Birdsong.
23-26 Rannsachadh na Gàidhlig at the University of Edinburgh
28 K.O. Morgan Lectures, Queen Mary University, London
27-29 ‘Radcliffe at 250: Gothic and Romantic Imaginations – An International Conference’, the University of Sheffield
30-2 July Society for French Studies conference, Aberdeen