A major initiative in education in Wales was launched at Cardiff City Hall on 15th June. Leading international education experts have pledged their support to the establishment of the Wales Education Commission to work alongside Yr Athrofa: Institute for Education, set up by The University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD) to support the transformation of education in Wales. Many delegates attended, from a broad spectrum of stakeholders in education, to benefit from a range of expert presentations.

An ideal way to celebrate this important programme is to ensure you are a subscriber to the Wales Journal of Education/Cylchgrawn Addysg Cymru, which has recently been relaunched in partnership with the UWTSD’s Wales Centre for Equity in Education. The journal aims to appeal to researchers, policy makers and practitioners who share the common goal of achieving excellence in education in Wales; in other words it is ideal summer reading for pedagogs.

For details on how to subscribe please contact custserv@turpin-distribution.com

Sarah Lewis, Head of Commissioning UWP
