On 6 November 2014, colleagues from the University of Wales Press led an insightful Publishing Clinic at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David. Organised by Dr Catriona Ryan, Senior Research Fellow in Art and Design at UWTSD, the event was a great success for all concerned. Set up as an initiative to guide early-career researchers through the process of getting their research published with UWP – in the form of a monograph, or a journal article – the Clinic proved inspirational and informative for all attending. The UWP team enjoyed presenting to a roomful of prospective new authors and hearing all about their research, and our audience in turn made use of the opportunity to participate in a question and answer session and left encouraged and energised to take the first steps towards disseminating their work to a broader readership. UWP hope to hold further Clinics in the near future, as an effective means to convey up-to-date information on publishing procedures, Open Access requirements, and funding – particularly as the next REF nears. So if you hear about UWP running a Clinic on your campus, please do drop by and ask our team any questions you may have about the publishing process, submitting a proposal, or marketing your research – we will be more than happy to help you.
Publishing Clinic, University of Wales Trinity Saint David