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Gwaith Guto’r Glyn
Religion and National Identity: Scotland and Wales c.1700-2000
Women’s Writing and Muslim Societies: The Search for Dialogue, 1920-present
Fiction in the Portuguese World
Claiming the Streets: Processions and Urban Culture in South Wales, C.1830-1880
Road to the National Assembly for Wales
The Rural Poor in Eighteenth Century Wales
Religion, Culture and National Community in the 1670s
Welsh National School of Medicine, 1893-1931, The: The Cardiff Years
Investiture: Royal Ceremony and National Identity in Wales, 1911-1969
Examining the Secondary Schools of Wales, 1896-2000
Johann Nikolas Bohl Von Faber (1770-1836): A German Romantic in Spain
Critical Religious Education, Multiculturalism and the Pursuit of Truth
Quaker Communities in Early Modern Wales: From Resistance to Respectability
Brittany 1750-1950: The Invisible Nation
Health and Society in Twentieth-Century Wales
Welsh Negation and Grammatical Theory
In Pursuit of a Welsh Episcopate
To Hell with Culture: Anarchism and Twentieth-century British Literature
Religion, Education and Adolescence: International Empirical Perspectives
Wales and the Spanish Civil War: The Dragon’s Dearest Cause
Uses of this World, The: Thinking Space in Shakespeare, Marlowe, Cary and Jonson
Beyond the Difference: Welsh Literature in Comparative Contexts
Hans-Ulrich Treichel
Appearance of Evil, The: Apparitions of Spirits in Wales
Medicine in Wales c.1800-2000: Public Service or Private Commodity?
Zafer Senocak
Christian Communities of Jerusalem and the Holy Land, The: Studies in History, Religion and Politics
Mynegai i Fwletin y Bwrdd Gwybodau Celtaidd / Index to the Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies
Where Have the Old Words Got Me?: Explications of Dylan Thomas’s Collected Poems, 1934-1953
Artefacts and Archaeology: Aspects of the Celtic and Roman World
The Collected Poems of Roland Mathias
Presences That Disturb: Models of Romantic Identity in the Literature and Culture of the 1790s
Theatre in Madrid and Barcelona, 1892-1936
Christianity and the Culture of Economics
Now Shoon the Romano Gillie
Imagining Wales: A View of Modern Welsh Writing in English
Ystorya Gwlat Ieuan Vendigeit (Llythyr y Preutur Sion)
The Politics of Literature:
Poland, 1945-89
Herta Müller
Valleys of Song:
Music and Society in Wales, 1840-1914
King Alfred School and the Progressive Movement 1898-1998
Peter Bischel

The Conservatives and British Society 1880-1990
Life in a Welsh Countryside
Analysing for Authorship:
A Guide to the Cusum Technique
Nature Conservation and Countryside Law
Philosophical Idealism and Christian Belief
A Bibliographical Guide to Twenty-Four Anglo-Welsh Authors
Social Policy, Crime and Punishment: Essays in Memory of Jane Morgan
The Angry Summer
A Poem of 1926
Impossible Choices:
Implications of the Cultural References in the Novels of Manuel Puig
Jawaharlal Nehru
A Guide to Parliamentary Enclosures in Wales
Getting Yesterday Right:
Interpreting the Heritage of Wales
Revolution in America:
Britain and the Colonies 1763-1776
A Wandering Scholar:
The Life and Opinions of Robert Roberts
The Celts and the Renaissance:
Tradition and Innovation – International Conference Proceedings
Report on the Excavations at Usk, 1965-76: Fortress Excavations, 1972-74
Dafydd ap Gwilym and the European Context
David Jones:
Commentary on Some Poetic Fragments
Accounting, Costing and Cost Estimation in Welsh Industry, 1700-1830
Welsh Phonology:
Selected Readings