International Crime Fictions

International Crime Fictions examines traditions and trends in crime fiction, providing introductory guides to the crime writing traditions that have developed in specific European nations or regions. Each volume is designed to cover key authors, movements and debates within a particular culture and their relationship to wider social and political trends. Each title contains extracts from significant texts in English translation, while an annotated bibliography will direct readers to further secondary sources. The series fills a gap in the secondary material available to students and teachers of crime fiction by highlighting the European dimension of what is often considered an Anglo-American genre.

Series Editors: Professor Claire Gorrara, Cardiff University; Dr Shelley Godsland, Birmingham University; Dr Giuliana Pieri, Royal Holloway, University of London.

Would you like to write for this series? We’d love to hear from you. Please contact Chris Richards, Commissioning and Editorial Assistant at UWP, with your proposal, including a brief synopsis of the proposed work: To read more on the information we require at proposal stage, see our Publish With Us page.
